The Friends of the Marina Library relies on volunteers! Please join us! The list of volunteer opportunities is long, and if you want suggestions or want to suggest new ideas to us, contact Dana Cleary ( and explain your interests and time limitations.

  • Volunteer

    Here are some suggestions of ways to be involved: leadership on our board or on committees, social media management or other promotion, help staff quarterly library book sales or help at our bookstore, help organize and manage community concerts and movies. Help manage Teacher Supply Closet. Volunteers do all these things now, but we always need new talent!

    Students often collect volunteer hours by helping us.

  • Book Sales / Bookstore

    Book Sales: If you would like to help out during one of our quarterly book sales at the Marina Library, please contact Gail at Volunteer opportunities include loading and unloading boxes and tables, transporting boxes and tables, organizing books on tables, assisting customers and keeping tables tidy, and packing up after the sale, to list a few.

    Bookstore: We ask bookstore volunteers to commit to working at least several months with us once trained, and a regular weekly schedule is preferred. We do have on-call opportunities if you can’t commit to a regular weekly schedule or if our teams are full. Our volunteer teams clean, sort and price donations, stock shelves, keep the store clean, and serve as cashiers. To inquire about current volunteer opportunities at our bookstore, please contact Terri at

  • Bring an event or workshop to the library community!

    Do you have a talent you would like to share, or do you have an idea you think the Friends should pursue? Please tell us about it! Perhaps we can sponsor and promote it with you!

    Events we have sponsored as the result of community suggestions: Tile Painting for adults, Art History lectures, Hawaiian concerts, introduction to yoga.

    If we think there might be enough community interest in a proposed event or workshop, we will reserve the community room, reimburse for refreshment purchases, and promote the event to the FoML community through our Facebook page, Instagram, and newsletter.

    We welcome all ideas for events for adults or for children.

    Here are some ideas people have suggested, but we need someont to take the lead to make them happen: knitting or craft get-together, board game meetup, community sing-along or jam session, puzzle exchange.

    If you have an idea to suggest, please email Grace at

  • Spread the Word

    Helping the Friends can be as simple as promoting our events to your personal network – either as a social media volunteer, or just occasionally, if you follow our Facebook or Instagram page.